How to create, configure, and use a criticality property?

The aim of this article is to guide you through the creation, configuration, and utilization of a criticality property for your perimeters (internal, suppliers, applications).

⚠️ For customers who had a Tenacy account open before 25/10/23, a criticality property was created across all your perimeters, adhering to the scale (regular or AICP) selected through your preferences.

💡 What is criticality? It simply refers to the importance of the perimeter within your organization.

This importance can be determined by various factors such as the number of employees, its share in the overall revenue, its impact in terms of visibility, etc.

Table of Contents

1. How to create a criticality property?

2. How to use a simple criticality scale?

3. How to use a DICP scale for its criticality?

4. How to use a custom scale for its criticality?

5. How to input data for the criticality property?

6. How to use the criticality property in Tenacy?

1 - How to create a criticality property?

To do this, go to the solution menu via the toothed wheel ⚙️, located at the top right of your screen.

Click on "Property"

"Add property"

Configure your property

Name: Name of the property; we recommend naming it "Criticality"

Perimeter Type: You can create a different criticality property based on the perimeter types (internal, supplier, application). If you want to create a property for all perimeters, choose the "all" value.

Visibility: Makes the property visible to the pilots and auditors within your context.

Restricted: The criticality property will only be visible to pilots and auditors associated with the "root" tree.

Unrestricted: The criticality property will be visible to all pilots and auditors, regardless of their association.

Data Input: Allows for the input of the criticality level.

Root: Only pilots associated with the root can input the criticality level of the perimeters.

Local: All pilots can input the criticality level of the perimeters they have rights to.

Data Type: We recommend selecting a scale; however, you can choose another data type, but this limits its use and granularity.

🔎 To learn more about scales, read the next section.

Mandatory Input: The solution will require pilots to input data for this property. Perimeters without data in this property will appear with an orange dot in "Organization."

Description: Description of your criticality property. You can provide relevant information related to the criticality of your perimeters.

2 - How to use a simple criticality scale?

Follow the steps mentioned in "1 - How to create a criticality property."

When choosing the scale, select the "Criticality" scale.

"Criticality" Scale: This scale is considered a simple scale, consisting of 4 levels: Very Low (0-24), Low (25-49), Medium (50-74), High (75-100).

You can find this scale in your environment's configuration (toothed wheel⚙️) within the "Scales" tool under the "Perimeter" tab.

When using this scale, authorized drivers will have the option to choose 4 levels to define the criticality of the perimeters.

3 - How to use a DICP scale for its criticality?

Follow the steps mentioned in "1 - How to create a criticality property."

You will need to create 4 criticality properties:

  • Availability
  • Integrity
  • Confidentiality
  • Proof

For each of these properties, when choosing the scale, select the scale with the same name.

The 4 scales are constructed in the same way, with 4 levels: Very Low (0-24), Low (25-49), Medium (50-74), High (75-100).

You can find these scales in your environment's configuration (toothed wheel ⚙️) within the "Scales" tool under the "Perimeter" tab.

When using these scales, authorized pilots will have the option to choose 4 levels to define the criticality of the perimeters for each property.

4 - How to use a custom scale for your criticality?

Go to your environment's configuration (toothed wheel ⚙️) within the "Scales" tool under the "Perimeter" tab.

You can create a new scale from scratch or copy an existing one.

Feel free to adjust the levels and their names.

You simply need to repeat the step "1 - How to create a criticality property" and use your custom scale.

5 - How to input data for the criticality property?

To do this, go to "Organization" and click on the identity card of your perimeters.

Select the property. Then, input your values.

6 - How to use the criticality property in Tenacy?

The criticality properties allow you to:

  • Quickly filter your perimeters
  • Report in a dashboard
  • Export them to Excel if necessary.

Quickly filter your perimeters based on their criticality

Go to "Organization" and use the advanced search feature.

Configure your search using the criticality property.

View your perimeters based on their criticality in a dashboard.

To do this, go to a dashboard and add a block.

Select "grouping" and choose the tree or grouping of perimeters you want to report on.

Select the property name.

Finally, create the desired block. Use the arrows to navigate from one perimeter to another.