Actions' settings

This article aims to inform you about the various settings available for actions.

Table of Contents

  1. What are the different types of actions?

  2. Action settings

  3. How to assign a group of users to an action? 

1. What are the different types of actions?

There are three types of actions in Tenacy:

  • Construction actions: These allow you to create or build your measures when they don't exist at all in your organization.
  • Improvement actions: When you already have measures in place in your organization but they are not fully effective, or not 100% implemented, improvement actions enhance their effectiveness.
  • Simple actions: These actions are not linked to measures and primarily serve as opportunity actions.

2. Action settings

For construction and improvement actions, you'll need to select a perimeter and a measure (to build or improve).

After this step, the configuration will be similar, whether it's a simple action, construction, or improvement.

Information Tab:

  • From a template: If you frequently perform actions with the same settings, you can create a template and retrieve it when creating your action. 
    ➡️ Refer to this article for more information on this topic.
  • Name: Name of your action. If you've chosen a measure, its name will be suggested for the action name.
  • Perimeter: The perimeter on which you perform the action.
  • Responsible: The person responsible for carrying out this action. It will appear in their contributions.
  • Status: The action's status, updated based on your action's schedule (see below).
  • Register: You can add other registers where your action would be categorized.
  • Advanced Settings:
    • Labels: Add a label to your action for filtering.
    • Category: Categories are created by Tenacy teams to provide an additional level of filtering to your actions.
    • Identifier.
  • Description: A description of your action.

Planning Tab:

  • Start and Target Date: Scheduled dates for your action execution.

💡If you provide a past date for the action's start, the status will automatically change to "In Progress." Similarly, if the start date is in the future, the action will be "Scheduled."

  • Cost & Charges: Cost and workload estimates for this action.

🔎 Encountering the error "The field spend_cost must have a value of 0 or more"?

Replace the comma "," with a period "."


You can add tasks, allowing you to segment your action into different sub-actions, each having its own responsible person, cost, and workload.

💡You can ask evidence before closing tasks for an action. However, you will need to choose whether the proof is for the action itself OR for certain tasks, but not both at the same time.

3. How to assign a group of users to an action?

3.1. Assigning a group of users to an action without tasks

🚨 You can assign a user or user group to an action only if they are part of the action's perimeter.

If no tasks are defined, global cost and workload values appear in the Scheduling tab.

These values are associated with the action's responsible person or group.

3.2. Assigning a group of users to an action with tasks

For more detailed modeling, you can create tasks within the action using the button:

When adding tasks, define the responsible person(s) for each task.

🔎 Adding a task replaces the global cost and workload values with those defined in the tasks. These charges are associated with the task's responsible person(s) rather than the action's responsible person.

⚠️ Task creation also alters the progress management; instead of a single progress slider, task completion calculates the progress.