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Tenacy essentials to remember

Here is an article summarizing what you need to remember after your training course.










Recurring Tasks



Gaps / Exemptions / Incidents






Security perimeter: Complete functional model, subject to license

Suppliers and applications: Simple, unlimited functional model

Groupings / Trees : 

  • Consolidation elements (reporting)
  • Unlimited
  • Rights assignment
  • No assignment of objects to these elements: policies / actions / measures


  • Root pilot : can create objects and users, enter objects, view all organization data. You can limit the objects accessible for the users. 
  • Local pilot : can create objects and users, enter objects, view data related to his scope of intervention.
  • Contributor : Cannot create objects except for exemptions (request) and incidents (declaration), enter objects, access only the contribution menu and cockpit dashboard. 
  • Auditor : Read-only access to the solution. You can limit the objects he can access.

💡 If you wish to restrict access for a local driver or auditor:

⚙️ Wheel > Users > click on your user > Access tab

💡You can create user groups to assign objects to a team. 

⚙️ Wheel > Groups

⚙️ Wheel

Catalog: The catalog contains public elements (proposed by Tenacy) and private elements (created or customized by you).

Authentication: Configure your organization's SSO


  • Indicator scales: to associate colors and icons with performance indicator values in dashboards
  • Evaluation scales: to select answers for evaluation campaigns, and display the corresponding results
  • Risk scales: to qualify the impact and probability of risks
  • Application scales: used to qualify the criticality level of applications (in simple or DICP mode). This tab also contains the scales used to carry out PSI assessments.
  • Priority scales: to specify the relative priority of controls in a security policy
  • Weather scales: used to define icons and colors for weather displays in action logs.

Functions: functions are used to distribute the various controls in a security policy among different populations.

Labels: labels can be used to group objects transversally.

Internal metrics and indicators: Tenacy automatically manages (creates, feeds, calculates and deletes) internal metrics and indicators for most objects. 

Logs: a complete audit trail of actions carried out in the application is available. Logs are organized by category and sub-category for easy filtering of activity types.

Preferences: preferences allow you to customize or configure elements of your context.

⚠️ Except for the password policy (Search by password keyword), call support if you wish to change a preference.

Licenses: view your license limitations

Connectors: consult your connectors set up on your account

Contacts: to facilitate communication with different scopes and stakeholders, in particular suppliers, it is now possible to create and associate contacts with scopes.

💡 Allows you to consult new features of the solution

🔔 Allows you to access your reviews, some objects require pilot validation.



Measures: software and/or processes and/or team to secure a perimeter.

🔎 In Tenacy all objects will revolve around the measures

Offered Measures: the offered measures are all the measures you'll find in the Tenacy catalog.

🔎 If you don't find a measure you can contact us in the chat to exchange on the subject. The Tenacy team regularly updates its device catalog.

Operated measures: the measures you have put in place in your organization. They make up your security base.

⚠️ A faulty measure is an operated measure, not a measure under construction.

Construction Measure: A measure that you don't have in your organization, but which you are going to implement in your organization.

Security base: 
  • Set of measures that secure a perimeter.
  • Composed of operated, offered and consumed measures



  • Public policies are modeled by Tenacy teams
  • Public policies can be found in the Tenacy catalog
  • Depending on your license level, public policies are limited.
  • Public policies can be modified by copying them

  • Private policies are unlimited


  • Unlimited for all objects
  • An object can be present in several registers
  • An object cannot be present more than once in the same register
  • In actions, recurring tasks and gap registers, you can add groups for greater reporting granularity.


  • You can manage the treatment of your risks, but risk analysis is an Add-On.
  • You can find public risks modeled by the Tenacy team


  • Building action: building actions enable you to build your measures under construction. 
  • Improvement action: Improvement actions enable you to improve your operated measures. 
  • Simple action: Simple actions are not linked to a measure. 
  • Actions have an end date

Recurring tasks

  • Carrying out recurring tasks contributes to the performance of your measures.
  • 2 types of recurring tasks: operational (e.g. updating the AD following departure/arrival) and control (e.g. checking that all active AD accounts correspond to active employees).
  • Completion window: Allows you to define the task completion window (e.g.: 7-day completion window for a monthly task = must be completed between the 23rd and 30th of the month). 
  • You cannot modify the periodicity of a RT if there is a history.


  • A metric can be entered by one perimeter for another perimeter.
  • To implement a metric history, use Excel import.
  • A metric is to be filled in at the end of its periodicity (e.g.: metric for the month of January to be filled in from February 1st). 
  • A metric can be attached to a Recurring Task. 
  • Can be entered via API, connector, Excel or In-app by a user. 


  • An activity indicator does not contribute to the performance of a measure.
  • A percentage performance indicator is attached to a measure only if the objective is to be close to 100%. ( Ex : ❌ % of people having clicked the fishing link / ✅ % of people not having clicked the fishing link)
  • The periodicity of an indicator can be different from that of the metrics linked to it.

Gaps / Exemptions / Incidents

  • Deviations and Exemptions can be linked to policy controls.
  • Actions enable you to close your exemptions, gaps and incidents.
  • An exemption necessarily has an end date, a gap not necessarily.


  • Unlimited number
  • You can set up a cockpit dashboard for each user
  • A contributor will only have access to his cockpit dashboard.
  • A private dashboard will be accessible only to its creator.


Mass import of your objects via Excel files

💡 You can find the model in the pop up window

🚨 When importing/exporting, keep the original file to back up any errors.



  • If you have a problem, you can consult our contextual help. 

  • You can search for articles in our knowledge base or chat with us.

  • You can write to us at support@tenacy.io

⚠️ Chat is hosted by the Hubspot tool. If it doesn't appear, you'll need to whitelist the Hubspot JS execution. 

🔎 Chat support is guaranteed from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. (GMT +2)