Properties : settings and use

In this article, we'll see how to set up and use the Properties in Tenacy.


1. Set up a property

2. Property management

3. Advanced search

4. Reporting


Properties work as common customizable fields to distinguish and/or classify your perimeters according to your own criteria.

Configure your properties from Cogwheel > Perimeters

1. Set up properties

⚠️ Only root pilots have creation rights on properties.

To create a property, after clicking Add Value, you will need to fill in a number of mandatory fields (*).

Name: the name of the property appearing in the identity card of the perimeter.

Scope type: determines in which type of organizational object the property will appear.
Ex: if supplier is selected, the property field can only be visible and filled in in supplier type objects in the organizational tree.
The property will not appear in the perimeters (internal) and application.

Visibility: determines who can view the property and its associated values in the perimeters.

  • Restricted: only root pilots will be able to see the property
  • Unrestricted: all pilots will be able to view properties

Data entry: determines who can fill in the values in the property fields of each perimeter

  • Root: only root pilots can enter the value associated with the property in the perimeters
  • Local: all pilots will be able to enter the value associated with the property in the perimeters (depending on their access rights)

Data type: determines the format of the expected data in the property.

Mandatory entry: determines whether the property must be entered by the pilots. When a property is mandatory and the value has not been entered in a perimeter sheet, a notification in the form of a yellow dot will prompt you to enter the values.

Description: it is used to explain the expected value and appears when entering a property value.

2. Property management 

⚠️Only root pilots have access to the property list.

Any changes made to the properties will be reflected in the identity cards of the perimeters.

  • The removal of a property will result in the removal of that property from the ID cards and the loss of associated values.
  • Deleting a choice from a multiple list will delete the associated value in the field, which will be emptied.

🔎 A yellow dot on the perimeters indicates that mandatory properties are missing and to fill in the identity card perimeters.

3. Advanced search

Once properties are assigned to some of your perimeters you can search by advanced filter in Organization > Advanced Filter.

4. Reporting 

Where can I find the identity card of my perimeters?

You will find the identity card of one of your perimeters in Organization, by browsing your tree and flying over one of your perimeters you will find the identity card of the selected perimeter with the following icon :  

This ID card is divided into 2 tabs that we will discuss, Contacts and Properties


Once your properties are created, your different identity cards edited with the added properties you will be able to create one (or more) block allowing you to return these properties in dashboards.

To set up this type of block:

Dashboards > "Perimeters and groupings" > "One perimeter" > "Name of the perimeter" 
> "Properties" > "Select property" > Add block