Monitoring of evaluations: validation, reject, counter evaluation, dashboards, etc...


1. Validation of an evaluation and counter-evaluation

    1.1. Validate and reject an evaluation

    1.2. Counter evaluation

2. Copy/paste from an evaluation and questionnaire

3. Evaluation Import / Export

4. Dashboard representations

   4.1. Category: Perimeters and groupings

   4.2. Category: Evaluation campaigns

   4.3. Category: Policies


1. Validation of an evaluation and counter-evaluation

1.1. Validate and reject an evaluation

You will be able to validate or reject the evaluation of one of your perimeters once it has been submitted by the user who was assigned to its realization.

💡 When you validate the evaluation it changes from the tab "submitted" to "validated" and when rejecting the answer, it switches from "submitted" to "in progress".

Granular validation:
You also have the option to reject/accept measure by measure from your evaluation:


1.2. Counter evaluation

📝 As a campaign administrator, if you do not agree with the evaluation of a measure, you can indicate a counter-evaluation on the same scale, since the campaign results are displayed.

⚠️The counter-evaluation is only available once the initial evaluation has been submitted ⚠️

To access it, go to your Evaluations > select the desired evaluation > Evaluation results > Control > Perimeter (if more than 1 perimeter) > Select the level for the Counter evaluation  > Add or not a counter comment 

🔎 The Counter Evaluation value is used for the compliance score when specified, and is not visible for the initial evaluator.


2. Copy answers from an evaluation and questionnaire

You can "copy previous answers" if you are running a new evaluation campaign on the same perimeter that was evaluated previously. (provided that the policy and/or questionnaire chosen are the same as the 1st evaluation campaign)

🚨It is not possible to take advantage of the "copy previous responses" feature if the second campaign is on another perimeter/ another questionnaire/ another policy.

You can still use the XLS export of the answers from the first evaluation and import them (after adjustment in your file) in the second evaluation.

You can now go to "contributions" to answer the questionnaire a second time. 
The solution will automatically offer to copy previous answers.


All you have to do is adjust the answers if necessary!

This feature is especially useful if you regularly evaluate suppliers or perimeters.

💡If necessary, feel free to use the contextual help for more practical information. 




3. Evaluation Import / Export

You can download the import template to set up a campaign directly from the Excel provided by the platform.
You can also export an existing evaluation campaign to retrieve the different data reported after filling in an evaluation.


4. Dashboard representations

Once you have started evaluations, you may want to follow the progress, several choices are available depending on the items you want to follow.


4.1 Category : Perimeters et groupings

From Perimeters et groupings : you will be able to follow the declarative score of each perimeter that has carried out at least one evaluation campaign.


4.2 Category : Evaluation campaigns 

From Evaluation campaigns : you will be able to follow your campaigns overall with several indicators (scores, numbers submitted, assessments, input rate) or more granular, per campaign by following the score of this one on the perimeters or the progress of the filling. 


4.3 Category : Policies

From Policies : you will be able to follow the declarative score of the policy evaluated in your evaluation. You can refine your monitoring by group of measures.