JIRA Connector: recommendations for use

If you use Jira, you can simply integrate a recurring task register or an action plan so that tickets are automatically created in Jira, and their completion in Jira updates Tenacy.

Table of content

1. Main synchronizations

2. Recurring Tasks

3. Actions

🔎 For setup information on the connector, refer to the connector documentation:

1. Main Synchronizations

The Tenacy / JIRA connector aims to synchronize recurring tasks or actions with a JIRA project.

Tenacy retains the identifier of these tickets to frequently check their status. If the ticket is closed, Tenacy updates the status of the recurring task/action to match the ticket status.

In both cases, if a user is assigned on the Tenacy side, a search is performed in JIRA based on the email to assign the ticket accordingly.

🔎 Important Notes

  • Recurring tasks and actions created via automatic plans in Tenacy will not be synchronized in JIRA.
  • JIRA tickets present in the project before the connector setup in Tenacy will not be synchronized.
  • Existing actions and recurring tasks in Tenacy before the connector setup are not created in JIRA.

2. Recurring Tasks

Upon creating a recurring task, if an accomplishment (status "to do") is necessary for the current period (based on the task start date), a ticket is created in the JIRA project and linked to this recurring task.

For each period start (and for each type of period), a new ticket is created in JIRA.

🔎 A monthly recurring task starting on 01/01/24 will therefore create a JIRA ticket at the beginning of each month.

The status of JIRA tickets is regularly checked (1x per hour). The JIRA ticket status is retrieved:

  • If the JIRA ticket is not found, the link is removed, and the accomplishment is considered unspecified.
  • If the status is in the list of those identified as "Done," the accomplishment is recorded as completed.
  • If the status is in the list of those identified as "Not Done," the accomplishment is recorded as not completed.
  • As soon as the status of the recurring task changes to "Done" or "Not Done," Tenacy retrieves from the JIRA ticket:
  • Files present in the comments are downloaded into the attachments of the current accomplishment of the recurring task.
  • URLs are included in the URL links of the recurring task. Only one link is returned. This URL must be entered in the last comment of the JIRA ticket at the time of synchronization.
  • If the task name and description are modified on the Tenacy side, these changes are reported in JIRA.
  • In other cases, nothing is modified on the Tenacy side.

3. Actions

Upon creating an action in Tenacy, a ticket is automatically created in JIRA and linked to this action.

When an action is completed (manually on the Tenacy side), canceled, or deleted, the corresponding JIRA ticket is also deleted.

Regularly (1x per hour), unclosed actions (to be scheduled, scheduled, pending, ongoing) associated with JIRA tickets are checked. The JIRA ticket status is retrieved:

  • If the JIRA ticket is not found, the link is removed, and the action remains unchanged.
  • If the status is in the list of those identified as "completed" in the connector settings, the action is recorded as completed.
  • If the status is in the list of those identified as "not done" in the connector settings, the action is recorded as canceled.
  • As soon as the action status changes to "Completed" or "Canceled," Tenacy retrieves from the JIRA ticket:
    • Files present in the comments are downloaded into the attachments of the action.
    • URLs are included in the URL links of the action. Only one link is returned. This URL must be entered in the last comment of the JIRA ticket at the time of synchronization. If there was already a URL before, it will be overwritten.
    • If the action name and description are modified on the Tenacy side, these changes are reported in JIRA.

💡 Recommendations

In terms of best practices, it is therefore recommended to:

  • Create a blank JIRA project
  • Set up the JIRA connector in Tenacy
  • Create actions / recurring tasks in Tenacy
    • These will then be synchronized in your JIRA project
  • Update actions / recurring tasks from JIRA
    • Updating actions / recurring tasks from Tenacy results in ticket deletion on JIRA
  • Creating an action from the JIRA project will not create an action in Tenacy