How to use the solution as a contributor?

Below you will find a presentation of the contributor interface.


1. Video demonstration

2. Text demonstration

2.1. Evaluations

2.2. Actions

2.3. Recurring tasks

2.4. Exemptions

2.5. Risks

2.6 Metrics

1.Video demonstration

Document : How to use the solution as a contributor

2. Text demonstration

2.1. Evaluations

Definition :
Declaration of conformity based on a set of rules

What we expect :
Respond to evaluations and give evidences

Step 1 :
For each of the points to be evaluated select a level of the proposed scale (or possibly Not applicable if allowed), and according to the configuration of the scale you can or must enter additional information.

Step 2 :
Once your answer is entered click on the Save button at the top right
To delete an answer already saved click on the Delete button in the upper right

2.2. Actions

Definition :
An action with a start date and an estimated end date

What we expect :
Update status (progress, comment, attachment, load, ...)

Step 1 :

Click on the action to be performed / whose status is to be modified

Step 2 :
Edit status / Perform the requested tasks 

Step 3 :

2.3. Recurring tasks

Definition :
A task consisting of a series of simple operations, of the same nature, involving a certain automatism or routine..

What we expect :
Enter the realization and document (comment, Attachment, load, ...)
OR approve the task.

Step 1 :
Click on the recurring task

Step 2 :
History tab

Step 3 :
Select the completion of your recurring tasks (To Do/ Done OK/ Done KO/ NA if possible).

2.4. Exemptions

Definition :
Application for temporary authorization not to apply a security measure.

What we expect :
Request or approve an exemption.

🔎 Following an exemption a pilot can assign you actions.

Step 1 :
Click on Add an exemption

Step 2 :
Fill in the information for your exemption:
• Name, Perimeter, Start date and criticity. (unavoidable)
• End date, source and description. (optional)
• You can add an attachment in the Files tab

Step 3 :

2.5. Risks

Definition :
Preventive action against a malicious act/action.

What we expect :
Validate a risk and proposed treatment plan.

Step 1 :
Click on the risk

Step 2 :

Click on Measures tab to analyze the treatment plan

Step 3 :

Reject : If you reject the treatment plan and the administrator will have to redo a treatment plan.
Approve: approve the treatment plan

2.6. Metrics

Definition :
A data

What we expect :
Fill this data.

Step 1 : 
Click on metrics

Step 2 :

  • From the list view :
    In list view, click a value to enter or edit it.
    The previous value, if known, is proposed by default.
    It is possible to consult the values of a metric by clicking on the historical icon that appears when you place the cursor on right of the line.
  • From the sequential mod :
    The sequential mode allows you to fill the metrics one after the other. The display is automatically positioned on the first unfilled metric.