How to create, set up and use a questionnaire?

Questionnaires are used to collect information on an assessed third party and, above all, to determine the applicability of policy requirements.

Table of summary 

1. How to create a questionnaire?

   1.1. Sections

   1.2. Questions

   1.3. Types of answers

   1.4. Preview

   1.5. Language selection

2. Conditioning questions and responses: accumulators and conditions

    2.1. Accumulators

    2.2. Conditions 

3. Using the questionnaire in an evaluation


1. How to create a questionnaire?

The list of public questionnaires can be found under the Public Questionnaires tab.  They can be derived by clicking on the icon image.png
From the list of Your questionnaires, you can, by clicking on these icons  image.png :

  • Duplicate a questionnaire (create a copy)
  • Modify the information of a questionnaire (name, attachment)
  • Delete a questionnaire (and all associated responses and conditions)
  • Add a questionnaire via:  

Finally, click on a questionnaire line to view and edit the detail:


A questionnaire consists of sections and questions. It can also include accumulators.

The modification of the questionnaires is done in real time with automatic backup.

Questionnaire conditions can then be specified on policy measures.

1.1. Sections

Questionnaires are organized into one or more sections. You can add a section by clicking on the button at the top of the page:

Sections are used to organize questions and can also be conditional.

They can be reorganized by drag and drop using the handle that appears on the left:

Click on a section to view and edit the detail.


For each section, you can configure a condition that can be based on the answer to a question or the value of an accumulator

1.2. Questions

You can add a question in a section with the   
at the bottom of the section, the new question is then added.

You can reorder questions in a section by dragging and dropping using the handle that appears on the left::
As in the example below:

A question consists of the following:

  • An identifier
  • A title
  • An optional description
  • A response obligation indicator
  • An optional condition
  • An associated optional accumulator
  • A type

Mandatory questions are identified byimage.png
Questions associated with an accumulator are identified by
To edit a question, click the question box.

1.3. Types of answers

Tenacy handles the following 4 types of answers:
  • Text - text answers without direct interpretation
  • Numeric - the answers is a positive integer (or 0)
  • Single choice - only one selectable choice from a proposed list
  • Multiple choice - multiple choices from a proposed list.

1.4. Preview

At any time, it is possible to switch to preview with the button at the top right to test the questionnaire   

In this mode, you can test the correct triggering of conditions on sections or questions. Battery values are also displayed at the top of the page: image.png

Return to construction mode by clicking on the button at the top right

1.5. Language selection

To facilitate the entry of questionnaires in French and English, it is possible to switch the display of the questionnaire without playing on the general language of the interface, by using the selector next to the viewing mode at the top right: 

⚠️ Once the questionnaire is used in a campaign it is no longer possible to modify it from the catalog. ⚠️


2. Condition questions and answers : accumulators and conditions

Questions / answers in a questionnaire can be conditioned in different ways.

  • Accumulator: a cumulative score on one or more questions reveals the chosen question 
  • Answer: the question appears if a particular answer was provided previously

2.1. Accumulators

Accumulators can be created and modified by clicking on the eponymous button at the top of the page

These are "variables" that can accumulate numerical values that will then serve as a condition (both in the questionnaire itself and in policies).

In the following GIF you will see that depending on the selected response this will unlock other questions: 

For example, a Risk accumulator can be created, the value of which will increase as the responses are considered to increase the level of risk. Depending on the accumulated value, more stringent requirements may be selected.

Feeding an accumulator

💡Only single choice and multiple choice types can be configured with an accumulator.

When an accumulator is configured for a question, you will need to enter a numeric value for each choice, positive or negative, which will be added to the accumulator if this choice is selected.


If multiple options of a multiple choice are selected, all corresponding values are accumulated.

Answers :

Whether they are single or multiple choice, each of the answers can have a description and a value to accumulate (see above).

Answers can be reordered by drag and drop using the handles that appear on the left by placing the cursor over an answer:

 2.2. Condition answers and questions

It is also possible to condition:

  • Questions inside a questionnaire: you can display a question from a section based on the response to a question above.
  • the appearance of a policy measure in the evaluation that will follow your questionnaire based on a response (or accumulator) provided in the questionnaire. 

3. Use a questionnaire in an evaluation 

You can use the questionnaire in your assessment to:

  • Retrieve additional information (e.g., using free text blocks)
  • Customize your evaluation based on the responses provided.

For more information on configuring evaluation, refer to this article.