What to do when my indicator value is incoherent ?

The inconsistency of your indicator's value may be multi-factorial: wrong metric, wrong formula, dashboard filter, etc.


1) Check the value of your metrics

2) Check your indicator's formula 

3) Recalculate your indicator's history

4) Check your Dashboard filters


1) Check the value of your metrics

Dashboard > Metrics > cursor over your metric


2) Check your indicator's formula 

Dashboard > Indicators

If you wish to modify the formula, click on your indicator and change the formula.

💡 Use " ! "before your metric identifier to check that you're selecting the right metric.


3) Recalculate your indicator's history

Dashboard > Indicators > Cursor over your metric > Recompute indicator history


4) Check your Dashboard filters

Dashboards > Dashboards


In a dashboard, you can filter by perimeter, grouping, date.... 

Check filter consistency :


Is your block assigned to the right perimeter ?