Understanding gaps: statuses and indicators

It is not always easy to understand the differences between gaps statuses and dashboard indicators. This article might help you see things more clearly.


1. The different statuses of gaps

2. Gaps reporting: understanding the indicators

  2.1. Scores


  2.3. Status

  2.4. Criticality

3. To go further in reporting

1. The different statuses of gaps

A gap can have different statuses:

  • To handle - the gap has not yet been considered/addressed
  • To be confirmed - the gap has been seen but its consideration has not yet been decided
  • In progress - the gap has been accepted and is being processed
  • Closed - the gap no longer needs to be processed, 3 resolutions are possible:
    - Rejected - the deviation was refused (considered irrelevant)
    - Ignored - the discrepancy is not significant and will not be addressed
    - Solved - processing is complete.

The transition from one status to another is done in the settings window using the buttons below:

  • a gap in status To handle can be to be confirmed, closed (rejected, ignored) or accepted (as above)
  • a gap in a To be confirmed status can be closed (rejected, ignored) or accepted

  • a gap in status In Progress can be closed (usually resolved, but also rejected, ignored)
  • a gap in Closed status may eventually be reopened.

2. Gaps reporting: understanding the indicators

You have the possibility to report on 3 different levels:

1. All gaps

2. A gap register

3. A group of gaps

Once you chose your reporting level, different indicators are offered to you:

2.1. Scores

Treatment reach

This indicator takes into account the creation date of the gap register, its target date and represents the gaps processing rate compared  to this target date.

Global treatment score

It represents the processing rate including all gaps.

Current treatment score

It represents the gaps processing rate in progress, to be handle, to be confirmed (non-closed).

2.2. Activity

Treated gaps (months)

This indicator takes into account all gaps closed over the last month.

Created gaps (months)

This indicator takes into account all the gaps created over the last month.

2.3. Status

Gaps in progress

This indicator takes into account the statuses “gaps to be confirmed” + “to handle” + “in progress

Gaps closed

This indicator takes into account "gap closed" statuses (whether rejected, ignored, accepted)

Gaps opened

This indicator takes into account the statuses “gaps to be confirmed” + “to handle

Valid gap rate

This indicator represents the percentage of gaps that are not abnormal.

2.4. Criticality

For each criticality level, you can supervise Gaps in progress and gaps opened.







3. To go further in reporting

You also have the option of creating Expert dashboard blocks:

From there, you will have a greater granularity in the reporting of your gaps. You can access all existing gap indicators, allowing you to make personalized charts.

After selecting "Gaps" in the "Category" field: you can choose to follow 1 single indicator / 1 indicator per perimeter / Several indicators

With multiple indicator selected, you can combine multiple gap indicators into a single chart:

  • The indicators presented above
  • Gaps ignored/rejected
  • The different gap indicators by criticality (example: gaps to be confirmed with low criticality)
  • The different gap indicators classified by groups