What is the difference between "average indicators" and "multiple indicators"

In the construction of a dashboard there are 2 close entries. The "Average indicators" category and the "multiple indicators" type in the "Operational Indicators" category

1) Operationel Indicators

Operationel Indicators  > Multiple Indicators

This is a block that will represent several indicators. Depending on the display selected, it may be different series

or of a block of 2 operational indicators.


2) Average indicators

The average indicators category represent several internal and/or operational indicators on a single block.

Use case: Scoring Active Directory - average of the processing of PingCastle gaps - of the level of compliance of the AD with a policy and of an operational indicator of control of privileged accounts

💡 For greater reporting granularity, you can create a block with X operational indicators and a block next to it with the average of these indicators.