New feature : Supplier management

From July 15, a new module will be available on Tenacy to streamline the third-party management process through a guided workflow and standardized assessment


1. Presentation 

2. Start evaluating my suppliers step by step

2.1 Create a new supplier

2.2 Start the evaluation

2.2.1 The qualification phase

2.2.2 Maturity assessment

3. See results

4. Impact on the existing data

1. Presentation 

This new module is based on the CESIN questionnaire

  • This questionnaire was developed by a group of CISOs, 
  • Easy to fill out
  • Based on ISO chapters

On the supplier side :

  •  There are no unnecessary questions
  • The maturity levels are detailed for each question
  •  The authority of CESIN allows for better acceptance 

It consists of a qualification phase that determines what the supplier will do, such as the type of service offered and the types of data involved,

Followed by an evaluation based on the relevant points identified during this qualification.


2. Start evaluating my suppliers step by step

Go to the Suppliers tab, then start evaluating suppliers.

2.1. Create a new supplier

At creation, you will be able to choose the criticality of your supplier, which allows you to define how critical this supplier is to your organization.

Once the criticality is selected, you can click on Create

2.2 Start the evaluation

Once the supplier is created, I can launch the evaluation by clicking on Start Evaluation:

Then, you have access to the evaluation:

The link to the evaluation is valid for 30 days.

2.2.1 The qualification phase : 

Two scenarios are possible: 

  • You can qualify the supplier yourself and then provide the link
  • The supplier can fill out the evaluation entirely

If you wish to qualify the supplier yourself:

The questionnaire is interactive; you will have access to certain questions based on your answers, as well as subsections. 

💡This qualification will determine the areas on which a maturity assessment is expected later.

Once the qualification phase is completed, you will need to submit the responses : 

You will no longer be able to change the qualification once the phase is validated

Once the qualification phase is completed, you move on to the maturity assessment phase, which you can send to the supplier by copying the link.

2.2.2 Maturity assessment

There are 5 possible maturity levels for each point, ranging from 0 to 4 :

The supplier can enter add a comment. 

3. See results

Once the evaluation is completed by the supplier, you will be able to view the results and their maturity level : 


💡You can download a Word report

4. Impact on the existing data

  • You will not be able to add new supplier scopes. However, it will be possible to switch to the new version for testing and then revert to the old version without affecting your existing data.
  • Reporting via dashboard blocks is not currently available
  • The questionnaire is not customizable