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Tenacy Preferences Glossary

Find a preference or understand how to edit a preference: all the information you need.


1. Account settings

2. Perimeters, measures and scores

3. Metrics, indicators and dashboards

4. Gaps

5. Incidents

6. Exemptions

7. Risks

8. Evaluations, actions & recurring tasks


Preferences allow for the customization or configuration of elements within your context. They can be accessed from the toothed wheel ⚙️.

⚠️ Changes made to preferences may have an impact on your environment. Don't hesitate to contact the support team via email or chat to ensure that there are no potential side effects.

💡When the preference uses a register or scale ID, you can simply change the current ID to the desired register or scale ID in the value.

1. Account settings

Auth.mfa_default: MFA option for new user

  • By default, the status is "USER_CHOICE". You can change to "ENFORCED" or "DISABLED" to force or disable it every time a new user is created.

Auth.use_saml: SAML enabled for new users

  • To enable it "True", to desable "False.

Logo.main: main account logo.

  • Upload an image. The logo will be visible on PDF reports generated by the solution.

Invite.default_text.fr: default French text for user invitation.

  • You can edit this text in the "Value" window.

Invite.default_text.en: default English text for user invitation.

  • You can edit this text in the "Value" window.

Password.complexity: defines the complexity of user password.

  • If "enabled" the user must include characters from at least 3 of the following 4 classes: lowercases, uppercases, digits, symbols. If you don't want to set complexity, note "disabled".

Password.history: number of old passwords kept to test uniqueness.

  • The password must be different from the last n (between 0 and 20). By default at 10.

Password.max_age: validity period of passwords (change required subsequently).

  • Can be between 7 and 360 days. By default at 0 = disabled.

Password.min_age: waiting period after a password change before allowing a new change.

  • Can be between 0 and 30 days. By default at 1 day.

Password.min_size: minimum password size.

  • Can be between 4 and 20 characters. By default at 10.

Password.reminder: number of days from which you will receive a reminder to change your password before it expires

  • Can be between 1 and 31 days. By default at 0 = disabled.

2. Scopes, devices and scores

Measure.coverage_efficiency: includes the effectiveness of the operated measures on the coverage score.

  • Put "True" to activate it, "False" to deactivate it.

Measure.default_performance: default performance score for unmeasured measures (without indicators or recurring tasks).

  • By default, the score is 75, you can edit this value from 0 to 100.

Performance_scale: scale used for performance scores (compliance, measure performance, etc.).

Risk.default_measure_performance: by default performance value for measures to calculate risk reduction.

  • The default score is 75, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower score, between 0 and 100.

Warn.perimeter_risk: threshold used on the risk score to display warnings for displaying perimeters.

  • By default, the threshold is 50, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

Warn.perimeter_trustedscore: threshold used on the trusted score to display warnings for displaying perimeters.

  • By default the threshold is 50, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

Warn.grouping.trustedscore: warning level for grouping score.

  • By default the threshold is 50, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

Warn.measure.performance: warning level for measures score.

  • By default the threshold is 50, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

3. Metrics and indicators and dashboards

Dashboard.home: dashboard used by default as cockpit.

  • You can modify the dashboard used by default as cockpit by replacing the identifier with the one of the desired dashboard.

Indicator.trim_overperf: determines whether performance indicators can exceed 100%

  • You can select this mode by entering the word "True" or deactivate it with "False".

Internal_scale: performance scale used by default for internal indicators.

Internal_target: default performance target for internal performance indicators.

  • By default the target is 80, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower target, between 0 and 100.

Force_metric_entry_runtask: force the entry of metrics when completing a recurring task.

  • By default, the entry is marked "False" so as not to force it. Mark "True" to force it.

Metric_entry.monthly_tolerance_days: tolerance for entering monthly metrics in days.

  • Enter the number of days you prefer. 7 days = entry is possible maximum 7 days after the end of the month.

Metric_entry.weekly_tolerance_days: tolerance for entering weekly metrics in days

  • Enter the number of days you prefer. 3 days = entry is possible maximum 3 days after the end of the week.

Weather_scale: default scale for weather for action groups and action registers.

4. Gaps

Gap.criticality_scale: scale identifier for gap criticality

5. Incidents

Incident.availability_scale: incident availability scale.

Incident.confidentiality_scale: incident confidentiality scale

Incident.critical_value: impact level at which an incident is considered critical.

  • By default the threshold is 75, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

Incident.impact_mode: Incident impact mode.

  • For a single scale, leave "regular", and enter "aicp" for 4 DICP scales.

Incident.impact_scale: Incident impact scale.

Incident.integrity_scale: incident integrity scale

Incident.proof_scale: incident proof scale.

6. Exemptions

Exemption.criticality_scale: scale identifier for the exemptions criticality.

Exemption.default_register: default exemptions register created by contributors.

7. Risks

Risk.default_measure_performance: default measures performance value to calculate risk reduction.

  • The default score is 75, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

Risk.high_threshold: only consider risks deemed high.

  • The default score is 50, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

Risk.impact_scale: risk impact scale.

Risk.level_scale: risk level scale.

Risk.probability_scale: risk probability scale.

Warn.perimeter_risk: threshold used on the risk score to display warnings for displaying perimeters.

  • The default threshold is 50, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

Warn.risk_treatment: warning level for risk treatment score

  • The default threshold is 50, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.

8. Evaluations, recurring tasks & actions

Isp_action_default_register: default action register for actions created within ISP projects.

Project.eval_scale: scale proposed by default for evaluations created as part of an ISP project.

Warn.runtask.completion: warning level for the completion score of recurring tasks.

  • By default the threshold is 50, you can modify this value to have a higher or lower threshold, between 0 and 100.