How to use internal metrics in your own indicators ?

You can use the metrics calculated by Tenacy to create your own operational indicators.

You must retrieve the identifier(s) of the internal metrics to put them in the formula of your operational indicator:


1️⃣Get the metric ID

⚙️Wheel > Internal Metrics > Copy ID.


2️⃣Enter the ID of the desired metrics in the "Formula" part of your indicator

Dashboards > Indicators > Click on the concerned indicator > enter the IDs of the metrics in the "Formula" field.

⚠️ Currently it is normal not to have values ​​the first time you add an indicator with internal metrics that have never been in any dashboard.


3️⃣Create a block in a dashboard with your indicator(s)

1. To create your block, go to the Dashboards > Dashboards tab.
2. Select the dashboard where you want to add your block > 🔧Build Dashboard.
3. "Add a block" and follow the steps in the block creation tutorial.

🔎 You can select the "Operational indicators" block which is more general, but also select other blocks such as "Evaluation campaigns", "Gaps"...etc. depending on which indicator you follow.