How to manage non compliance in Tenacy?

You are looking to manage your non compliance in Tenacy and you do not know how to proceed? We will guide you.


1. Creating gaps register

1.1 Creating gaps

1.2 Link gaps to policy controls

1.3 Creating groups of gaps (Optional)

2. Creation actions register

2.1 Creation remediation actions from gaps

2.2 Creating dashboards (Optional)

2.2.1 Creating sections

2.2.2 Creating blocks

1. Creating gaps register

In Gaps tab, click on Add register

Fill in the register information:

Deadline : Gaps resolution date.

Owner : The lead of the audit, of the pentest and/ or the person in charge of the project gaps

Actions register: Select an action register.

1.1 Creating gaps

From this register you will be able to create your gaps by defining the perimeter, criticality, ... of each of them.

1.2 Link gaps to policy controls

You can link your gaps to your policy controls by clicking a gap and going to the Measures tab.

1.3 Creating groups of gaps (Optional)

Upstream of the creation of your gaps you can create groups of gaps to have a more granular reporting.

2. Creating action register 

From Action plans > Add register you will be able to create an action register dedicated to your remediation actions to respond to your gaps.

2.1 Creation remediation actions from gaps

Once your register is created you will be able to return to your gaps to add the actions to process this gap.

2.2 Creating dashboards (Optional)

To create a new dashboard :
Dashboards > dashboards tab > Add dashboard

Informations related to dashboards:

Public Visibility :All pilots of the same level or below in your organization will be able to see the dashboard.

Private Visibility : only the creator can see it.

Time window : History visible in your charts. (Ex: I create/ consult my dashboard in June I will see the 6 months before the month of June) 

2.2.1 Add section

Sections help organize your dashboard.

2.2.2 Block creation

Example of block on gaps: