Metrics: Best practices

Here are the use cases and best practices that can be applied to metrics


1. How to enter past metrics?

2. How to delete my metrics and indicators?

3. How to modify the periodicity of a metric and/or indicator?


1. How to enter past metrics?

🚨 To enter values ​​passed into the solution, an excel import is required.

In the solution, the "Contributions" part > "Metrics" tab allows you to enter data.

However, the number of past periods is limited to the most recent completed period.

Thus, for a monthly metric, you can only enter metrics for the previous month and not the month M-2.

However, it is possible to do this via an XLS import.

⚠️ If you already have metrics in the solution, keep a copy of the initial file in order to re-import it in case of incorrect data entry. To do this, export your metrics from "Contributions"

In order to limit errors, we advise you to keep only the past metrics that interest you in your XLS before. You can therefore delete metric columns not affected by your changes before re-importing the file.


⚠️ The date to be entered in an the file is the first day of the following period.

For example :

  • For a monthly metric: for the month of January 2022 = 01/02/2022
  • For a semester metric: semester 1 metric 2022 = 07/01/2022

💡 Remember to check the "Import past values?" button before uploading your file:


2. How to delete my metrics and indicators?

You have created a metric or an indicator that you do not use, here are some points of attention before deleting them.

2.1. Delete an indicator

To delete an indicator, go to "Dashboards" > "Indicator" tab > Hover over the indicator line > Icon

🚨 By deleting the indicator you will lose its history and the dashboard blocks using this indicator will no longer have values.

2.2. Delete a metric

🚨 To be able to delete a metric, it must not be linked to any indicator.

Case 1 : You just created a metric and you finally want to delete it.

Dashboard > "Metrics" tab > Hover over the metric row > Icon

Case 2 : You want to delete the metric, but it is linked to an indicator.

In this case, you will first have to delete the indicator (as seen above) in order to be able to delete your metric afterwards.

Without removing the indicator, the icon will not be displayed on the metric line.
This avoids the inopportune deletion of a metric used for the calculation of an indicator.

Case 3 : You want to delete a metric linked to an indicator because it is not/no longer the right metric.

1️⃣ Retrieve the identifier of the new metric to associate: Dashboards > "Metrics" tab

2️⃣ In the indicator formula, replace the ID of the metric to be deleted with the ID of the new metric: Dashboards > "Indicators" tab > Click on the indicator row.

🔎Once the identifier is changed in the formula, the metric is no longer linked to this indicator.

3️⃣ Delete the metric: Dashboards > "Metrics" tab > Icon

⚠️ This manipulation is more easily carried out on metrics linked to a single indicator. If the metric is linked to several indicators, the manipulation will have to be performed for each indicator.


3. How to modify the periodicity of a metric and/or indicator ?


💡 Within your environment, it is possible to modify the periodicity of a metric and/or an indicator in order to correspond to your uses.

3.1. How to modify the periodicity of a metric that has no value?

It is possible to modify the periodicity of a metric directly from the platform.

⚠️ It is necessary that your metric does not include data for the option to be available.

To do this, go to “Dashboards”, in the “Metrics” tab


You can search for a metric present on a particular perimeter (3) or by searching (4).

Click the row corresponding to the metric you want to modify. A side panel opens, allowing you to access the metric settings. Modify the “periodicity” field :


💡You can do the same for indicators.

Unlike metrics, the periodicity of an indicator can always be modified, even if it is based on metrics with values.

3.2. How to modify the periodicity of a metric with values?

If you want to modify the periodicity of a metric even though it contains historical data, you will not be able to do this directly from the platform.


To do this, you will need to do the manipulation via the export/import of an XSL file.

Check out the step-by-step video below ⤵️

⚠️This manipulation only works if you switch to a less frequent periodicity: for example, from weekly to monthly.