Actions' Best Practices

This article aims to present various best practices regarding the association or modification of your actions.

Table of content 

  1. How to group multiple action registers into one?

  2. What are the different ways to associate an action with a measure?

    2.2. How to transform a simple action to a improvement or building action?

1. How to group multiple action registers into one?

There are several use cases: consolidating an action plan, merging registers, or moving actions in bulk. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Create an action register and name it

Go to Action Plans > Add Plan

Step 2: Export the action registers to merge

Action Plans > Click on the register > Export XLS

💡 If you wish to export canceled and/or completed actions, click on the relevant buttons.

Step 3: Create your import XLS

Import the import model

Action Plans > Click on the created register > Import XLS

Copy and paste actions from your exports into the import model.

⚠️ Ensure you select the contents of the "Actions," "Groups," and "Tasks" pages.

⚠️ Check the action group IDs (column F) to ensure no conflicts. If conflicts exist, modify the group IDs in the "Groups" sheet.

Step 4: Import the XLS into the new register

💡 If you make an error, delete the import register, create a new one, correct the XLS errors, and re-import your file.

2. What are the different ways to associate an action with a measure?

2.1. From an action register when creating an action:

See Point 2 "Action settings"

2.2. Via the "Action mapping" option - Change a simple action in an improvement or building action or vice versa.

Action mapping allows you to view and easily modify which measures your actions are linked to.

💡 Associating also allows you to easily change a simple action to a construction or improvement action. You'll need to click "Delete" before associating the action with a measure.

2.3. From the security bases

You can create an improvement or construction action directly from your security bases. Select a perimeter and a policy within that perimeter, then click on the part of the diagram corresponding to the consumed or to-be-addressed measures.

  • Improvement Action
    By selecting one of your consumed measures, you can create an improvement action to enhance its effectiveness.

  • Construction Action
    By selecting one of your proposed measures, you can create a construction action and choose which register it will be automatically created in.

2.4. From an evaluation (collect actions)

From Contributions > Evaluations > Your Evaluation Name

⚠️ To have the option to collect actions, configure it in the evaluation campaign under Scale > Collect Actions? > Yes

⚠️ This setting is not editable once the campaign is launched.

  • Improvement Action: You can add an improvement action by clicking: Add Action or Measure > Action or Improvement > Improve Existing (to create a new improvement action) or Existing Action (to link an existing action to this perimeter).
  • Construction Action: You can add a construction action by clicking: Add Action or Measure > Build a Measure > Build New (to create a new construction action) or Link Existing (to link an existing construction action on this perimeter).